Grokking Clojure transducers

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So you’re a Clojure programmer and you need to apply more than one transformation step to a collection of items. Like, for example, you have a big list of things, and you need to remove some of them, transform others, then remove duplicates. What do you do?

The stock approach is to reach for the thread-last macro (->>). It’s a fine implement for skinning this particular cat, but, well… what if I told you there’s another way? In Clojure, we have this thing called transducers. They were made for precisely this sort of thing.

In this article, it’s my noble aim to instill in you an intuition for transducers. We’ll start by examining the building blocks of transducers to see how they work. We’ll then make a couple of transducers of our own. Finally, we’ll look at how you can apply your newfound knowledge of transducers in the real world.

You’re in the target audience of this article if:

If you already know how reduce works, you probably also know what a reducing function is. If you don’t, though, you’re in luck, because that’s where we’ll set forth on our exciting adventure into the wonderful world of transducers.

First steps

To understand transducers, you must first understand reducing functions. What’s a reducing function?

A reducing function is a function you can use as the first argument of reduce. A reducing function takes an accumulated result and an input and returns a new result.

conj is an example of a reducing function. It takes a collection (the result we’ve accumulated so far) and an item (the input) and adds the item into the collection (the new result).

Here’s an example of using conj:

(conj [1 2] 3)
;;          ^ input
;;    ^^^^^ accumulated result
;;=> [1 2 3]
;;   ^^^^^^^ new result

Since conj is a reducing function, let’s try using it with reduce. Here, we use conj to add every number in the given Clojure vector ([1 2 2 3 1]) into an empty hash set (#{}):

(reduce conj #{} [1 2 2 3 1])
;;=> #{1 3 2}

Cool! We got what we expected: a set that contains each distinct number in the input collection.

Now that we know what reducing functions are, let’s discuss how they relate to transducers.

In essence, a transducer is a function that takes a reducing function (like conj) and turns it into a new, more awesome reducing function. Let’s give it a try. Let’s make a transducer called inc-transducer:

(defn inc-transducer
  "Given a reducing function rf, return a new reducing function that increments
  every input it receives, then calls rf with the result and the incremented
  ;; rf stands for "reducing function"
  ;; this here's a new reducing function
  (fn [result input]
    ;; here we call the original reducing function
    (rf result (inc input))))

;; If you already know transducers, you'll notice that inc-transducer doesn't
;; actually have everything a real, production-grade transducer needs to have.
;; Don't worry, we'll get there.

We’ve made our first transducer! inc-transducer takes a reducing function like conj and returns a modified version of it. Let’s give it a try:

(def inc-then-conj (inc-transducer conj))
;;=> #'user/inc-then-conj
(inc-then-conj [1 2] 3)
;;=> [1 2 4]

What is inc-then-conj supposed to do again? Let’s recap. It should:

  1. Increment the input 3 by one to get 4.
  2. Add the incremented input 4 into the result to get [1 2 4].

Looks like it works! Can we use it with reduce, like we did with conj?

(reduce inc-then-conj [] [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> [2 3 4 5 6]

Boom! When used with reduce, inc-then-conj incremented every input, then added each incremented input into the result vector ([]).

Of course, we can give inc-transducer any reducing function, not just conj. Let’s try to use it to transform some other reducing function. Let’s pick +, which, happily, is also a reducing function:

(reduce (inc-transducer +) 0 [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> 20

It worked! When we used inc-transducer with +, for each number in the input collection, it incremented the number, then added it into the accumulated sum.

However… what if there comes a day when we want to do something else than increment a number? That’s all inc-transducer lets us do, increment numbers! What to do?

Benjamin Franklin used to say, “Functions are like violence: if it’s not working, you’re not using enough of it. Or them. Or whatever, you know.” Stimulated by this enlightening adage, let us beat this problem into submission by employing an additional function. Instead of baking in inc as the function that transforms the input, let’s make a new function. This new function takes any function and uses it to transform the input. Here’s the new function:

(defn mapping
  "Given function f, return a transducer that calls f on every input it
  (fn [rf]
    (fn [result input]
      (rf result (f input)))))

Our brand new function bears the inspired name of mapping. mapping is not a transducer. It is a function that takes a function and returns a transducer. Let this illuminating example shed light on this mystical conundrum of a function:

(def inc-mapper
  "Given a reducing function rf, return a reducing function that increments its
  input before calling rf."
  (mapping inc))

(def inc-rf
  "A reducing function that increments its input, then adds it into the
  accumulated result."
  (inc-mapper conj))

(reduce inc-rf [] [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> [2 3 4 5 6]

Right on! We’ve reimplemented inc-transducer without baking in inc into the reducing function.

Although… haven’t we just reimplemented map, kinda?

(map inc [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> (2 3 4 5 6)

It might indeed appear so at first, but there are crucial differences that set the transducer version apart from plain old mapping. That’s what we’ll focus on next.

What’s so special about transducers?

The first difference between using map and using a transducer is this: with map, the reducing function “at the bottom” is always conj. conj is baked into map – there’s no way to pull it out of there.

With transducers (like the one mapping returns), on the other hand, we can decide which reducing function to use. For example, we can use +, like earlier:

;; This is otherwise equivalent to the previous example, but we're just
;; forgoing the intermediate vars `inc-mapper` and `inc-rf`, and passing in `+`
;; instead of `conj`.
  ((mapping inc) +)
  [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> 20

Secondly, notice how the transformation (incrementing numbers) is distinct from how the final output is built. In other words, (mapping inc) does not say anything about how to make the final value. This is a crucial feature of transducers: they allow you to define transformations that do not know or care what happens once the transformation is complete. Put another way, (mapping inc) only says “increment numbers”, while (map inc [1 2 3 4 5]) says “increment numbers and then add them into a new list”.

This decoupling of the transformation from its inputs and outputs has important repercussions. For one, it means we can also use transducers with things like clojure.core.async channels (which, if you don’t know, are these things that look a bit like queues, if you squint). Before transducers, core.async used to have its own map, filter, etc. implementations. Transducers, because they’re so awesome, have made them unnecessary, so they have since been deprecated. Now, you can just sort of stick a transducer to a channel and the transducer transforms whatever you put in the channel.

Here’s another very important distinction between transducers and traditional methods of transforming collections. Let’s say we want to transform the input collection in more ways than one. For example, let’s say that we only want to increment every even number in the input collection. Faced with a case like this, most Clojure programmers reach for the thread-last macro (->>):

  [1 2 3 4 5]
  (filter even?)
  (map inc))
;;=> (3 5)

The thread-last macro is eminently readable, but using it comes at a cost. When we use the thread-last macro, after every step of the transformation process, we create an intermediate collection, only to immediately throw it away. Let’s spell that out:

  [1 2 3 4 5]
  (filter even?) ;; intermediate collection (2 4), discarded immediately
  (map inc) ;; final result (3 5)

Here, we throw away the result of the filtering step ((2 4)) immediately after making it. What a waste! With transducers, we can make the same transformation without making a single unnecessary intermediate collection. Before we can do that, though, we have to make a function that’s like mapping, but it’s, uh… filtering.

(defn filtering
  "Given a predicate function pred, return a transducer that only retains items
  for which pred returns true."
  (fn [rf]
    (fn [result input]
      (if (pred input)
        (rf result input)

Like mapping, filtering is a function that takes a function and returns a transducer. However, filtering is different from mapping in that it only calls its reducing function if the input matches the predicate function you give it.

Now that we have filtering, we can compose a multi-step transformation powered by transducers. Watch this:

(def rf
  "A reducing function that filters even numbers, increments every remaining
  number, then conjoins them into the result."
  ((comp (filtering even?) (mapping inc)) conj))

(reduce rf [] [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> [3 5]

Blammo! Filtering and mapping in one fell swoop, with zero intermediate collections. Of course, in this example, the transformation has few steps and its input is small, so there’s probably no perceptible performance difference compared to the thread-last version. The larger your input is and the more steps your transformation has, the more significant the performance gains will be.

You might be wondering about the comp there. comp (short for “compose”) is the most common way to make multi-steps transformations with transducers – or compose transducers, if you will. Notice how the order of operations is the same with comp as with ->>:

   (filtering even?)
   (mapping inc))

  [1 2 3 4 5]
  (filter even?)
  (map inc))

Here’s another way to think about the difference between the thread-last macro and transducers:

The thread-last macro transforms collections. Transducers, in turn, transform reducing functions. You can then use those reducing functions to transform things, without caring where those things come from and where they go, without generating any waste in the process.

With all that out of the way, let’s move onto discussing how you’d actually use transducers in your code.

Using transducers in the real world

So far, to illustrate how transducers work, we’ve been creating our own transducers and using them with reduce. In the real world, you rarely need to do the former, and the latter probably never.

Now, uh… there’s something I must confess. We did not actually need to define mapping and filtering ourselves. Giving only the first argument to the map or filter core functions actually returns a transducer. That means we can simply replace filtering and mapping in our previous example with filter and map, like so:

  ((comp (filter even?) (map inc)) conj) ;; <- reducing fn (awesome conj)
  [] ;; <- initial value
  [1 2 3 4 5] ;; <- input collection
;;=> [3 5]

Besides map and filter, there’s a whole bunch of functions in the Clojure core that return a transducer when you give them all the arguments you usually do, except for the input collection (the last argument).

Also… I’ve got another confession to make. mapping and filtering are not “real” transducers. Each transducer is a function that can take either zero, one, or two arguments. Since that is something you only really need to know when you’re creating your own transducers (which is not likely to be all that often), we won’t discuss that detail here. If you want to know more about the different arities of proper transducers, check out the official documentation.

So if we shouldn’t use reduce with transducers, what should we use? There are four functions in the Clojure core that take transducers as arguments:

Next, we’ll take a brief look at what each function is good for. We won’t go too deep here, so after you’re done reading this article, make sure you read the docstring for each function and the official reference to get a better understanding of how each function works.


transduce is like reduce, but specifically for transducers. To show how transduce works, let’s rewrite our previous example using transduce instead of reduce.

  (comp (filter even?) (map inc))
  [1 2 3 4 5])
;;=> [3 5]

The result is the same. So what’s the difference to the reduce version? For one, the transduce version avoids the slightly awkward ((comp (filter even?) (map inc)) conj) construction. Also, reduce doesn’t work perfectly with every kind of transducer, for reasons we won’t go into here. The upshot? Don’t use transducers with reduce. Use transduce or one of the other functions we discuss here instead.

Besides that, an important property of transduce is that unless you tell it to stop using halt-when, take, or the like, transduce consumes the entire input collection. If you want to be able to consume only a part of the input, consider using sequence or eduction instead. For a more comprehensive discussion of how transduce, sequence, and eduction consume their inputs, see the section titled “Laziness” in Renzo Borgatti’s article Clojure transducers from the ground up: the practice.


Use into if you want to transform the input collection into a certain type of output collection as fast as possible.

For example, here’s an example where we generate an infinite sequence of random numbers, take the first million, remove all odd numbers, multiply each number by ten and finally stick the result into a hash set:

(into #{}
    (take 1000000)
    (remove odd?)
    (map #(* % 10)))
  (repeatedly #(rand-int 100)))
;;=> #{0 920 580 240 620 20 980 60 360 300 940 260 540 740 460 420 ...}

Personally, I tend to use into whenever I know I need a particular type of output collection.

Note that into doesn’t let you choose which reducing function to transform. With into, it’s always conj.


Use sequence whenever you need your transformation to produce an incrementally computed (technically not lazy, though) sequence. You often want an incrementally computed sequence. One is when you need to use the transformation result more than once. Check out this example:

(def xs
    (comp (filter even?) (map inc))
    (range 100)))

;; in one case, we might need to take the first ten things from `xs`
(take 10 xs)
;;=> (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19)

;; later, in another context, we might need to take just the first five numbers
(take 5 xs)
;;=> (1 3 5 7 9)

In this example, when we call take the second time, the sequence that sequence returns has already transformed and cached the first ten values for us and has them handy when we need them. We do not need to transform the input again to get at the values.

Since most transformations that use the thread-last macro yield a lazy sequence, sequence might be the most straightforward option for refactoring a transformation that uses the thread-last macro into a transducer-powered one.


Out of these four functions, I found eduction the most difficult to understand when I was first learning about transducers. In a nutshell, if sequence is for when you want caching (to reuse the transformation result), eduction is for when you don’t. One case where you might use eduction is when you want to transform data that you’re reading from an external resource, such as a file.

You might also want to choose eduction over sequence if you know you’re going to consume all of the final result, and you’re only going to do it once. There is some overhead to making a lazy sequence, and eduction allows you to avoid it when you need to. Don’t take this to mean that you should avoid using sequence. In most cases, the cost of lazy sequences is negligible.

Here’s an example that might clarify the difference between sequence and eduction:

(def xs1
    (map #(do (prn "sequencing!") (inc %)))
    (range 32))) ;; prints "sequencing!"

(prn xs1) ;; prints "sequencing!"
(prn xs1) ;; doesn't print "sequencing!"

(def xs2
    (map #(do (prn "educing!") (inc %)))
    (range 32))) ;; doesn't print "educing!"

(prn xs2) ;; prints "educing!"
(prn xs2) ;; prints "educing!"

sequence consumes a part of the input sequence when we define xs1. When we reference xs1, it returns the values it cached when it consumed the input sequence for the first time. Conversely, eduction consumes the input sequence only when we reference xs2, and does so every time we do it.

Here’s another way to think about eduction: it lets you bundle just the input collection and the transformation and defer the decision on which reducing function you want to modify and which initial value (accumulated result) you want to use. Here’s an example:

;; Create a transformation that filters the even numbers between 0 and 99 and
;; increments the remaining numbers.
;; Don't transform anything just yet, though.
(def xf
    (comp (filter even?) (map inc))
    (range 100)))

;; Apply the eduction to sum the transformed numbers.
(reduce + 0 xf)
;;=> 2500

;; Apply the eduction to multiply each number by ten, then add them into a hash
;; set.
(reduce (fn [s n] (conj s (* n 10))) #{} xf)
;;=> #{950 530 410 970 70 430 370 110 ...}

Calling reduce on an eduction grabs the transducer (the first argument to eduction) from the eduction and uses it to transform the reducing function we give to reduce. Only then does it carry out the transformation on the input collection that lives inside the eduction.

All right! That’s it for the four core functions that take transducers as arguments. All that’s left is to wrap things up.

Final words

In a side note of his fantastic book Elements of Clojure, Zach Tellman writes:

The real value of transducers is not performance, but rather that non-standard data representations like core.async channels can use clojure.core directly rather than having to define their own map, filter, and so on.

While that is no doubt the raison d’être of transducers, we should not think of them as just this thing that let Cognitect get away with writing less code when implementing core.async. For a long time, that was more or less the way I thought about transducers: something that Clojure takes care of for me that I don’t really need to think that much about.

I was wrong. After all, much of what we do as Clojure programmers is convert data from one shape into another. For that, transducers are a tremendously useful tool. They let us compose powerful transformations from simple parts, apply those transformations to pretty much anything we want, then, separately, decide how to build the final result of those transformations.

With that, we end this tour of transducers. Naturally, there’s much more to transducers than what we’ve discussed here. If you want to learn more about them, see the official reference for transducers. Hopefully, reading this article has made it a bit easier to understand.

Note that you might be able to use transducers even if you don’t use Clojure. There are implementations for Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby and probably other languages as well.

This article was originally published in the Solita dev blog.


Thanks to Pedro Girardi and Antti Riikonen for their valuable feedback on an earlier version of this article.